Archive for March, 2010

Chapter Three Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism

March 3, 2010

In chapter three of Krause, “Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism”, Krause explains the simple procedures not to get into trouble when using different techniques of writing. First off, the main point is to make sure when you quote, to give credit to your information that you are sharing. When we are summarizing a book or a story of some sort we need to make sure that we just give that facts and stay away from quotes during a summarization. Also because a book or paper has a summarization already we do not cut and paste from this because it is not our own. To have a good summarization we have to make sure we read the text thoroughly. Krause then goes on the explain how to quote and paraphrase, I felt like the quote information was just a review for me but I did not catch a lot of paraphrasing information. When quoting it is best to use it when, the authors words are going to help your point. In this case paraphrasing may not be the choice to use because someone could take what you are saying differently then you would like the reader too. But with each quote that is used you have to have a proper citation and cited source in your paper. At the end of this chapter Krause explains simple ways not to plagiarize. Plagiarism is unaccredited us of words or ideas of an author or a source that you are using. There are different types of plagiarism. Purposeful, which is turning in someone else’s work that is not yours. Accidental plagiarism is improper citing or summarization. Whether it is purposeful or accidental it’s all wrong. Students have to make sure that they credit all of there information and that they cite it correctly. At the end of this page Krause gives examples of different types of quotes and sources being cited in different formats which was useful to see.